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Water Testing

* this is now a past event

The first weekend in October the Stevens Co Soil and Water Conservation District will be hosting a free nitrate testing clinic!

To collect your sample: Use any size clean plastic container to take your sample from your faucet or directly from your well. One cup or more is preferred. It is best to test the sample as quickly after you pull it as possible. If you need to wait before getting it tested, keep it in the fridge or a cooler with ice. 

Quick Guide to Drinking Water Samples Collection (EPA)


Check out the video below by Josie and Judy to see how the equipment works!

Date & Time:


Fri 10/2/20 1-5:30pm

Sat 10/3/20 10am-12pm

Location: Stevens Co Soil & Water Conservation District outside shed

Additional Resources:

Quick Guide to Drinking Water Samples Collection (EPA) - see page 10 for information specific to nitrates.



Thank you to all who came to this event! We ran 28 nitrate samples between Friday and Saturday all from people of various demographics and concerns.  The majority of participants had private wells in rural areas.  Most of the samples came back below 0.5ppm, with one sample between 1ppm and 5ppm and one sample over 10ppm. 10ppm is the legal limit as defined by the EPA.  Participants heard about the event through a variety of means, including Facebook, KMRS/KKOK radio Community Connections and the SSWCD newsletter.


If you have concerns about your water - we suggest you reach out to the Stevens Soil and Water Conservation District or RMB Labs out of Detroit Lakes. 



Thanks for submitting!


Morrison Gallery

University of MN - Morris

600 E 4th St

Morris, MN 56267

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Supported by the Legacy Amendment, MN State Agencies, the Minnesota Historical Society and the McKnight Foundation.

The City of Morris and the University of Minnesota Morris reside on Anishinaabe and Dakota land.

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