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Why Treaties Matter: Self Government in the Dakota and Ojibwe Nations

“Why Treaties Matter: Self-Government in the Dakota and Ojibwe Nations” is a nationally recognized, award-winning exhibit made in partnership with the Minnesota Indian Affairs Council and the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian.


The exhibit explores relationships between Dakota and Ojibwe Indian Nations and the U.S. government in this place we now call Minnesota. Learn, through a video presentation and 20 banners featuring text and images, how treaties affected the lands and lifeways of the indigenous peoples of this place, and why these binding agreements between nations still matter today.

Explore the virtual exhibit here 

COVID19 Precautions: There is a 25 person limit in the gallery. Masks are required. 6 ft of physical distance required between yourself and other visitors. Hand sanitizer is available.


Groups: If you would like to reserve the gallery for a visit from a group, please contact Troy Goodnough at to register.




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Morrison Gallery

University of MN - Morris

600 E 4th St

Morris, MN 56267

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Supported by the Legacy Amendment, MN State Agencies, the Minnesota Historical Society and the McKnight Foundation.

The City of Morris and the University of Minnesota Morris reside on Anishinaabe and Dakota land.

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